Who We Are

In 1942, as part of the emerging “Greatest Generation”, Carl Bertsche Sr. completed his engineering degree at the University of Cincinnati and was commissioned as 2nd Lt. in the U. S. Army. Carl faithfully served his country in Europe and returned home after WW2. He began working for Precision Welder and Flexopress Company in Cincinnati, Ohio and soon became their chief engineer.

At Precision, Carl was surrounded by talented peers. Since he possessed both talent and initiative himself, Carl decided to strike out and start his own company. In 1953, Production Engineering was founded with the goal of providing reliable production equipment to key manufacturing industries in the quad-state area of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Kentucky. Carl Sr. retired in 1988.

In 1977 Carl Bertsche Jr. joined the company after earning an engineering degree at UC and working 5 years for the International Division of Procter & Gamble. Carl Jr. has led the company’s transition into becoming a distributer of non-ferrous metals, reliable resistance welding supplies and custom equipment. He is the current CEO of Production Engineering.

In 2011, John Bertsche joined Production Engineering after earning a business degree at Cedarville University. John is President of Production Engineering and responsible for website development, internet marketing, as well as new customer development.

We are proud to represent Swanson Erie Corp, the leading manufacturer of precision link conveyors and machine chassis. Swanson has a rich corporate 100+ year history of providing reliable production equipment to industry. For four generations, Swanson has designed and built innovative machine chassis, indexers, and process equipment. Swanson equipment is shipped worldwide and the Swanson precision link conveyor is at the heart of many successful process machines.

Please call, so “our business can help your business” 1-888-654-9353