More Agile® Accessories

5” (125 mm) precision cubes with 0.750” keyways on five sides, open on the sixth for access to mounting holes. Ideal for prototyping and development work, for set up, tear down, reuse. Totally redeployable. Save designing and building one-of-a-kind brackets and supports. Available in cast iron, aluminum, and non-ferrous materials.
The highly functional interface between specialized tooling and the Agile platform. These expendable pads are intended to be drilled and tapped to receive commercially available tooling components. Agilepads eliminate any need to machine the Precision Link Agile platform, thus insuring its long term dimensional integratory.

A wide variety of parts placers are available for marriage with the Precision Link Agile Chassis. These include:
- Integral belt driven in four different sizes, strokes, shaft, and cam diameters.
- Direct camshaft actuated, with a variety of stroke and load-carrying specifications.
- Cam actuated common overhead tool plate.
- Overhead tool plate, with mechanically derived vertical motion and either pneumatic or servo-motion horizontal: hybrid style.