Aux. Support Structures – Agile Docks® and Agile Wings®
Agile Docks are especially suited for Agiletran and Agileslim use. They permit off-line assembly and debug of critical stations with easy “docking” using heavy duty T-keys and T-bolts at any location around the machine.
Agile Wings and Agile Dock III’s are often used for side mounted cam shafts.
Agile Docks I, II, III can be “docked” to the Agilecells and Agileslim sections in any of three attitudes, offering a selection of heights relative to the fixture location. Agilewings have two optional height locations. All docks and wings have machined all-over outside surfaces for mounting individual tooling stations or common Agileaprons. 0.750” T-keyways are cut in the tool mounting surfaces, allowing for ease of tooling mounting and accuracy of location. Agiledocks also add stability to the entire Agile platform. Being of cast ductile iron they contribute substantially to vibration dampening.
Agile Docks®

Agiledock I

Agiledock II

Agiledock III
Agile Wings®

Agile Wing